eCommerce - your key to long term success

In eCommerce, a positive customer experience is one of the most important requirements and often a crucial factor in the decision to complete or to cancel a purchase. We at TELAG therefore provide you with trained and experienced eCommerce Mulitchannel employees so that even demanding customers in eCommerce can be successfully served. As the Swiss market leader in communications services, we offer you the best possible real-time customer support with the latest tools. Due to our many years of experience, we have proven knowledge in the areas of order service, sales, online customer care and support - in a variety of industries

We offer you an extensive service portfolio for comprehensive customer support

In order to receive a unique and extensive customer service for your eCommerce customers, we prodive you with various eCommerce services. We offer you:

  • Support and advice of online customers via e-mail, telephone and chat
  • 24/7 customer support in the process of ordering online
  • Generating additional sales through cross-selling and up-selling
  • Identifying problems in the online ordering process
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Complaint management of eCommerce customers

This enables personalised real-time contacts across all devices (desktop, smartphone, tablet and app), ensuring higher transaction rates and higher sales.

eCommerce – your customer approach on the internet

The eCommerce industry is a continuously growing area and its importance to the trade is increasing steadily. Therefore, customer care should not be neglected but it should play a crucial role in any eCommerce strategy. However, efficient implementation requires both human and financial resources, which are not available to every company equally. The solution to this is outsourcing. At TELAG, we have the required expertise to provide every customer with the exact eCommerce assistance they need.


Live Chat

Live Chat has proven successful for customer support. Our intelligent chat module allows you to take full account of your online presence. Based on various specific properties and behavior, we segment your website user in a way that potential customers are addressed only if needed and with the optimum timing.

- Chat as customer request: 15% of website visitors want to chat
- Increased sales: 30% increased sales in online shop
- Callbacks become unnecessary: 60% less further inquiries


Co-Browsing complements the coverage of online platforms by the effectivity of a personal conversation. It enables you to visit your website together with your customer at the same time. Co-Browsing can be activated in context with your costumer. You assist your customers, where personal interaction can make the difference.  

Live Chat and Co-Browsing are today’s tools of our experienced eCommerce Multichannel employees. The result: better customer experience, increased trust and loyalty – satisfied customers return and recommend your shop.

Our motivated team helps your eCommerce Customer Support to ensure optimal customer experience.